Hair loss is a widespread issue for men and women, with increasing occurrence and probability as a person ages. There are four primary types of hair loss and many causes of hair loss. Some types of hair loss share common causes with others, so proper diagnosis is critical to choosing a particular hair restoration method or replacement procedure.

To understand the types of hair loss better, first it helps to understand the cycle of hair growth.

What are the Stages of Hair Growth?

Your hair follicles have three growth stages, and different hair loss types are sometimes linked to a particular stage.

The anagen stage – The most extended phase of the hair cycle, the active growth stage lasts from two to eight years – and includes up to 90% of your hair. The hair on your head has a different anagen stage length than your eyebrows, body hair, and facial hair.
The catagen stage – This is your hair’s shortest phase and marks its transition, which lasts for only about two to three weeks.
The telogen stage – The cycle’s resting phase lasts for two to four months. When the telogen stage is concluded, your hair naturally falls out.

What are the Primary Types and Causes of Hair Loss?

Anagen effluvium – This form of hair loss occurs due to the chemical or medicinal poisoning associated with chemotherapy or radiation treatment.

Anagen effluvium is a non-scarring form of alopecia. It could reverse itself in some patients after the chemotherapy or radiation treatments cease, although permanent hair loss is possible if the follicles themselves are damaged.

Telogen effluvium – This hair loss occurs when the hair falls out due to the follicle entering the resting stage of the hair growth cycle.

  • Common causes of telogen effluvium include:
    • Physical stress (e.g., surgery, illness, childbirth, etc.)
    • Emotional stress
    • Non-chemotherapy or radiation-related medications (including birth control)
    • Hormonal changes caused by pregnancy, birth, and menopause

Androgenetic alopecia or male/female pattern hair loss (MPHL/FPHL) – This is the most common form of hair loss, indicated by a thinning on the head’s top and/or sides. The percentage of males and females affected by androgenetic alopecia increases considerably as the patients get closer to age 50 – with up to 80% of the total population experiencing some hair loss during their lives.

Male or female pattern hair loss is caused by:

  • The hormonal changes associated with age
  • Genetics

Other Causes of Hair Loss

There are other common causes of hair loss, which the experts at the Dallas Men’s Hair can treat with varying degrees of success.

Traction alopecia – Your tight hairstyle causes this particular type of hair loss. When the roots of your hair are stressed, permanent hair loss may occur.

Alopecia areata – An autoimmune disease, the hair loss caused by alopecia areata is usually not permanent. Your body’s immune system targets and attacks your hair follicles, resulting in patchy or clumpy hair loss. Alopecia areata affects all of your body’s hair (not just on your head) but rarely results in complete hair loss.

Dieting – Rapid or highly restrictive diets can cause hair loss.
Vitamin deficiency – Certain vitamins help your hair grow and poor overall health can negatively affect your hair growth.

Male and Female Hair Loss Restoration

At Dallas Men’s Hair, we treat each patient with kindness, compassion, and understanding. Losing your hair is traumatizing and taking the first steps toward treatment can be overwhelming.

Our team is ready to help you figure out your best course of action, beginning with a free assessment to learn why your hair loss is occurring. Once complete, we will recommend a treatment plan custom-tailored to your needs.

Call or contact us to schedule your free, no-obligation hair loss consultation. Get started on your hair restoration journey today.

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